Meet the Vestry!
Meet the members of the St. Mary's Vestry, our church's governing board.
Al Alvarez, Stewardship Development
in his second term, 2024-2026
This area of ministry focuses on building up a strong year-long program of Stewardship Education, emphasizing joyous giving to God from all that God has given us and growing grateful hearts among its leadership and among the people of St. Mary’s.
Tell us about yourself:
I have been an active member of the Episcopal Church since my college years in Boulder, CO. I grew up in a family devoted to ministry, my father and grandfather being pastors in the Baptist Church. I am retired from a career in fund raising through the executive management of non-profit foundations within the health care sector. Within the Episcopal Church, I have served on the Vestry and as Warden of several parishes and as a member of committees and commissions on the Diocesan level. Serving in various musical capacities within the church has also been a primary interest of mine and remains a focus for me to this day. I first came to St Mary’s in 1985 and have served on the Vestry, as a Lay Eucharistic Minister, as cantor and chorister, and on several outreach groups. I am also a proud member of the St Mary’s Snowshovel Brigade.
St. Mary's Vestry members
Senior Warden - Sandra DeHart-Mayor
Junior Warden - Brad Sewell
Adult Christian Formation - Eric Backman
Caring Ministries - Maggie Wilkinson
Children’s Christian Formation - Amy Gruber
Community-Building - Maggie McKay
Early Childhood Ministries - Tom Nighswander
Growth and Communications - Cole Barker
Outreach Ministries - Sara Stoops
Stewardship Development - Al Alvarez
Worship - Charlene Davis
Youth Ministries - Tracey Burke