St. Mary's Flower Committee
After decades of sharing her marvelous gifts of flower arranging, training, and leadership, our distinguished elder Margaret Sharrow is retiring from the St. Mary's flower committee. Everyone on the committee has learned and grown while working with Margaret, and her flower arrangements have brought beauty to our services and pleasure to everyone in the congregation. We are so grateful for her wisdom and support over the years. Thank you for your dedication and skill, Margaret!
The flower committee members are each responsible for one Sunday a month; Rilene Ann, who has been partnering with Jann Sherrill and substituting for other members of the flower committee for the last year, is stepping up to take Margaret’s place. The new schedule for flower arranging is as follows:
First Sunday - Jann Sherrill
Second Sunday - Rilene Ann
Third Sunday - Kate McClellan
Fourth Sunday - Marcia Nattrass
Fifth Sunday - Rashmika Paton
We would love to have more people join us. No experience is necessary - we will teach you all that you need to know. It only takes a couple of hours once a month. If you are interested in joining the flower committee, call Jann Sherrill at 813-545-6957, or talk to her after the 10 am service on organ choir Sundays.