Walk in Love
Walking in love - together!
We are a community gathered together by the love of Jesus and strengthened by our love for each other as we share that love with the world. Come, let us walk in love!
How will you walk in love? Here are some ideas:
- One way we live out God’s call to service at St. Mary’s is through our ministry before and during worship services, as readers, musicians, ushers, and in many other capacities. Email Ross McKay to learn more about how you can support our worship services.
- Train to be a Lay Eucharistic Visitor, and bring Communtion to those who cannot attend services on campus. You can read more about how and when elsewhere in the newsletter.
- Pray about making your pledge for 2025. Our pledges help fund programs and events like the recent Youth Group mission partnership trip to Colombia, and the St. Mary's Community Garden which provides over 500 pounds of food to those in need each year. What we give goes back into the world many times over!